Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sweet and Sour Meatballs

Food Category: Dinner, Entree, Meat
Source: Fix it & Forget It Lightly
Prep Time: 30 Min.
Cook Time: 3-4 hours
Servings: 4
Special Utensils: Skillet, Crock pot


Meat balls:
1 lb. extra-lean ground chuck
1/2 cup dry bread crumbs
1/4 cup fat-free milk
3/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1 egg, beaten
2 tbsp. finely chopped onions
1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1/3 cup packed brown sugar
2 tbsp. cornstarch
13 1/4 oz. can unsweetened pineapple chunks, drained
1/3 cup vinegar
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1/3 cup water

Combine meatball ingredients. Shape into 3/4" - 1" balls. Brown in nonstick skillet. Drain. Place in slow cooker. Add brown sugar and cornstarch to skillet. Stir in remaining ingredients. Heat to boiling, stirring consistantly. Pour over meatballs. Cover. Cook on low 3-4 hours.

Calories: 380 per serving
Protein: 28 g

RATING (1-10): 9

1 comment:

alleycatbabe said...

If you like anything sweet & sour you will like this. My mom used to make something similar & I love it. Using the crock pot method makes it that much easier. You can do this same recipe without the crock pot you just need to put the pan on low. Also as a side note (due to the fact that I own a grinder attachment for my mixer) I ground fresh chuck. I'm a huge advocate of using fresh ingredients for everything (if you haven't figured that out from several of my other posts). Well This is one of my favorites. Enjoy!